Lauren and Alex sitting on the beach in Carmel posing with wine in their hands


Hi, we’re Lauren and Alex. In 2019, we decided to launch this travel blog as a means to reminisce about all the incredible places we've been fortunate to visit and, more importantly, to inspire others to explore the wonders of our amazing world. As sisters who grew up in a small town in Ohio, we quickly discovered that there was so much more to see beyond our familiar surroundings. Join us on our journey as we share our adventures and encourage everyone to step out and discover the remarkable fun and beauty this world has to offer.

Lauren is the visual force behind the Waves blog, as well as the photographer and owner behind the Creative side of goldgirl. She graduated from Miami University in 2019 majoring in interactive media, photography, and graphic design. Photography was something that just kind of fell into her lap and without fully realizing it, she started building a business in 2017. During college she spent a semester studying in Luxembourg traveling to 16 countries and another in San Francisco interning at a start-up. Post-graduation, Lauren taught English in South Korea for 6 months during the pandemic, but now currently resides in Columbus, Ohio. She works full-time at The Ohio State University in marketing and communications and part-time still takes on client shoots in the evenings and on weekends. You’ll likely find her petting the nearest pup, immersed in photo editing on her laptop, watching K-dramas, or thinking up her next travel plans.

If you're in search of a photographer in Central Ohio, explore her portfolio or inquire about a session.

Alex is the trends guru of the Waves blog, bringing in essential planning skills and the ability to craft the perfect itinerary filled with a balance of recommendations from both influencers and locals. She graduated from The Ohio State University in 2015 majoring in fashion retail studies. Post-graduation, her life took her to Los Angeles for 9 months, where she discovered her talents in the corporate retail world. On her way back to Columbus, a cross-country drive with Lauren and their mom turned into the monumental moment when they fell in love with national parks and road trips. After 7 years of experience as a merchant at top Columbus retail brands, she has now returned to LA to continue living her West Coast dream and give everyone in the Midwest a good reason to visit every few months. In her free-time she enjoys working out, going to bed at 8 pm, and getting tipsy off 2 glasses of wine.


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