Thanksgiving Twenty Nineteen


A few years ago, our family began making us participate in themed holidays. From buffalo check to an all white color scheme- we have had a lot of laughs when coming together with these matching outfits. This past Thanksgiving was themed blue for two reasons: 1. Our little cousin was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, so we wanted to support her! And 2. Our mother really wanted some new dishes, and this was the perfect excuse. We wanted to share our table setting with you all and some new recipes we whipped up this year in the kitchen!



Total time: 10 minutes

You’ll be surprised at all of the ingredients that go into this recipe, but the end result will put you in the mindset of fall while feeling the holiday spirit (not for consumption by children, but perfect for the Kendall Jenners of the family who are still showing up solo). For an even better time, soak the fruit in your alcohol of choice for up to two days.



Total Time: 25 minutes

Move over Becky’s healthy kale salad, and bring on the gluten. Easy & delicious, make this brie-filled appetizer for any event or holiday to be the new crowd favorite.




TOTAL TIME: 1 HR 15 minutes

Anything goat cheese, we say yes to. We made a large batch which was a delicious option to go along with the rest of the carbs at the table. Consult an expert (aka youtube, or your sister who has only taken one cooking class in her life) on the methods of risotto making before diving in.



 cauliflower CASSEROLE

Total time: 30 Minutes

Looking for a healthier alternative to potatoes that is still gluten free? Check out this easy to make side dish that will have the rest of the table asking for the recipe. We borrowed this recipe from our homechef subscription but made some alterations based on what we could actually find in the grocery store (regular pesto is a great alternative).

Editor’s note: do NOT chop up two heads of cauliflower while standing next to an oven if you don’t want it to look like you just did a cardio workout.

Holiday, Recipes, Design, FoodAlex